Happy Flute AIO cloth diaper review


I'd like to open the cloth diaper reviews with one of my favourite type: the AIO, which means All In One.

This type of nappy has everything sewn together: the waterproof cover, and the insert. In this particular one the insert is sewn in the cover one side, so you can fold it out after washing which shortens the drying time. The insert is made from two layers of bamboofiber, and one layer of microfiber, ant there is an extra absorbant layer entirely sewn in the cover.

Why is it one of my favourite? It's the simplest type of reusable nappy existing, my best friend when we are going out to babywearing library, or just visiting my parents: just take off the used diaper, put this under the cleaned butt, fasten the hook & loop, and there you go! Fast & easy. And absorbs a lot!

The disadvantage that if you'd like to use only AIOs, you'll need at least twenty of them, which is a higher purchase - even if you choose a valuable brand like Happy Flute.

I think this type of reusable nappy is the best for beginners, helps to fall in love with cloth instead of paper. I only purchased one with my third kid, and it was a total mistake! If I would try this before, I think I would use cloth diaper with my other two kids, too 😜

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