Mamaruga Zensling
Full buckle carrier made from stretchy fabric is a thing now, and I really had to try it!

At first I was like...

...aaaaandt then repeated this word multiple times after I actually had it in my hands.
The label says it fits from newborn (3 kgs) until the carrier's panel support from knee to knee, made mostly from cotton with some synthetic material to ensure stretchiness. There are multiple layers of material, which made the try-out a bit uncomfortable, but I think it's rather the fault of the global warming - more than a layer is really necessary when you want to wear your baby in a stretchy fabric.
The Mamaruga Zensling has adjustable width: you can pull the fabric on the waistbelt narrower and wider. This solution is a popular one recently, but surprisingly this product doesn't have a velcro tape to stabilize the size fitting to the carried baby. The advatage is you can even adjust the width easily after you put your baby in it, and the disadvantage is it slips slimmer if your baby doesn't stay put.
Also adjustable height: the panel has two belting on it's sides, where you can pull the fabric together, and the final size is quite small, the 3 kgs babywearing training doll looked nice in it, his non-existing airways were free :D

The fitting to my body was slightly too loose: in my opinion my hip size is not a too narrow one, but almost reached the smallest option, and with the shoulderstraps I actually did - and I didn't feel the tightness I got used to with the non-stretchy carriers. If I tried to use the carrier fastening around my waist not my hip, all of the straps were too long not to hold the doll with one hand.
I really missed the chestbelt (it's not included but can be ordered), without it the only way was making an X on my back with the shoulderstraps to be sure they will not slipping from my shoulders. Without the belting wearing your baby in this carrier on your back is unsafe - unless you use some other fabric to hold the shoulderstraps together, or cross them.
The Zensling has a sleeping hood (not detachable), I would prefer it made from less layers of fabric, it seems quite hot.

ideal for those who would pick another full buckle carrier with a
newborn insert, but for some reason they prefer the stretchy fabric.
As always I suggest to try it before buy it: every carried and carrying person is different in shapes and preferences.